Thursday 30 April 2015

Holy Communion Reflective Colouring: The Gathering

A while back, a friend suggested that it would be good to have a reflective colouring sheet to fit different parts of the communion service.  This would help children, hopefully, to recognise parts of the liturgy and to reflect a little on what was happening.  

Always one to rise to a challenge, here is the first in the set: the gathering...

Click here  to print off the sheet and get colouring!

Things to talk about: Whay do we come together in church? 
What does it mean for the Lord to be 'with you'?
Have you ever felt that God is with you?

Pray: That God will be with us, our family and friends in the coming week.

Friday 24 April 2015

You are the Light of the World: Oil and Paper Suncatchers

This is an activity that can be done by children of all ages and is a great illustration of Christ's light shining thorugh us.

You will need: oil in small containers (I used vegetable oil), cotton buds, paper in various shapes.  Children might like to cut the paper in the shape of their initial or of something that speaks of their own personality.

Use cotton buds to 'paint' oil onto the paper in whatever designs the children like.  Children might want to write words about themselves or words about Jesus.

When the oil is dry, blu-tack the paper shapes to the window and let the light shine through the designs!

Talk with the children about being light in the world.  We let the light of Jesus shine through us through the things we do and say, just as the light shines through the patterns we made with the oil. 

You might like to create a group design on a larger sheet of paper, where children draw or write actions or words they can use to show the light of Jesus that shines in them.  As you hang it on the window, pray that other people will come to see that light!

Saturday 18 April 2015

John 21: Jesus on the Beach Playdough Mat

Here is a playdough mat to help explore the story of Jesus appearing on the beach in John 21.  The disciples don't realise at first who Jesus is, but the amazing number of fish he helps them to catch and the bread and fish they share on the beach are reminders of his miracles and help them to recognise him.  

On a simple level the mat will help children to remember the catch of fish, but if you want to go a little further it might help the children to think of what it feels like to recognise Jesus and be close to him.

To print ot the mat click here, laminate and get creating!

Thursday 16 April 2015

John 21: Jesus gives Peter a New Start (Prayer Activity)

What I love about the meeting of Peter and Jesus on the beach in John 21 is that Peter is given a chance to start again- his three denials of Jesus  mirrored by the three times he tells Jesus that he loves him.

This prayer activity helps to emphasise the idea of the new starts that Jesus can give to us all so that we too can go out and reach others for him.

You will need: two containers- one holding a mixture of vinegar and salt (about a cup of vinegar to a tablespoon of salt) and one holding water.  Old, stained copper coins.

Give each child a coin and ask them to think about parts of their life where they might have let others down or would like a new start.  Put each coin in the container of vinegar and salt.  Let them say sorry to God in their heads if they would like to.   Put on the lid and shake (some of the coins will start to clean up even before you put the lid on!)  Thank Jesus for forgiveness and new starts.  Take off the lid and transfer the coins to the water to wash off the vinegar.  Let each child take a coin away as a reminder of the new start Jesus gives.

As an extension you might ask the children to give their coin to another person and to pray that that person will get a new start with Jesus. 

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Pentecost Flames: Painting with Forks!

I know it's a bit early to be thinking of Pentecost, but I like to be ahead of the game and there are so many stories where flames are useful!

This is a really great idea for all ages.  We ended up working on the kitchen floor and even the adults decided to join in. Some of the children got incredibly creative...

It's quite a reflective activity and lends itself to silence if that's an option for you.  Have fun!

You will need: yellow, red and orange paint, foil (for easy clean-up afterwards!), plastic forks, card or paper (we used black for a great effect).  

 Use a fork to blob some paint onto the paper and then swirl and pull or brush with the fork!
 Encourage colour mixing as the flames flicker together...

Talk about: The power of fire reflecting the power of the Holy Spirit.
What is fire like?  What can it do?  
How might the disciples have felt seeing tongues of fire above their heads? How would you have felt?
What do you know about the power of fire?  What about the Holy Spirit?
Get children to share their reflections on the story and their own experiences of the Holy Spirit

Pray: Create a group flame painting. As you paint the flames pray for other people and for each other to be touched by the power of the Holy Spirit.